The PRC at 65-What next?

October 1, 2013 was the 64th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. So now the countdown begins to her 65th year. Certainly celebrations will be held next year to mark the occasion, and much will be made of the country’s amazing economic progress. Economists will look to a movement to domestic consumption to fuel growth. Politically China will have to deal with ongoing disputes with her neighbors over various border regions. China’s military will surely get stronger. Domestic unrest in her western regions are likely to flare up again. And in the seas from Vladivostok to the Strait of Malacca naval forces will shadow each other at close proximity.  So what will this century bring for China and her neighbors?  Where will she be at 85? and at 100?  Post your comments below.

Photo: Dimitry B. via flickr



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