Japan China War of Words–For Now

                      by David Parmer

China has lodged a strong protest with Japan claiming interference with its naval drills that ran from October 24, 2013 to November 1, 2013. The Chinese side claims that Japanese vessels entered waters where the Chinese were conducting announced military drills. Japan claims that it was conducting normal surveillance. This type of activity is reminiscent of the cold war, when the U.S. and Soviet military assets shadowed each other, and the nuclear stakes were high indeed. Now China and Japan seem to both be engaged on a similar course of action. Fortunately the cold war game of cat and mouse did not result in shooting incidents or loss of life. But what about the present situation? Emotions and national pride are on display in the Pacific waters. Can this go on for some time to come, or will it come to a head and a shooting incident (s) occur? What do you think? Post your opinion below

China MOD protests: http://eng.mod.gov.cn/Press/2013-11/01/content_4473429.htm

 Japan denies incurion:   http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/11/01/national/japan-denies-disrupting-china-drills/#.UnToH5TUaN4

Photo: China Military Online


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