What Will 2015 Bring?


                                        Whole Earth (Photo: NASA via Wikimedia)

As 2014 winds down, we can take a moment and look forward to 2015 and try to figure out what the world will be like next year. It is clear that many issues prominent in 2014 will continue to be front page news: Ukraine, Korean nuclear issues, the Russian economy, the Diaoyu/Senkaku dispute and the rise of the Islamic State. Terrorism worldwide will probably a key issue, with very few countries being immune to terrorist threats. The volatile price of energy and its impact on the environment will also be front and center. And surely some very unexpected things will happen. So what is your opinion? How will 2015 go?  Do you see a bright year, or a dark year, or more typically a mix of light and dark? Log in and give us your thoughts.


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