Hopes For A New Year


                      (Photo: NASA, GOV.)

                       by David Parmer

The old year is about to end, and in less than a week we will ring in the new.  2013 has been event-filled with tensions reaching new levels worldwide. From the Arab Spring to the ongoing events in Egypt and Thailand we have seen peoples choosing new ways to govern themselves, sometimes throwing out or overthrowing the old, and replacing it with a more workable new. The tensions in the western Pacific have steadily been on the rise as well, with the ever-present North Korean nuclear issue and the disputes over territorial waters from north to south. North-South migration has been an issue worldwide, with peoples seeking better lives for themselves and their families in countries often ill-prepared to receive them.

With this as a backdrop we can look to more positive and favorable happenings. The most promising of these are the various space programs around the world that advance our scientific knowledge and point us in the right direction-outward to the stars. Notable are China’s lunar mission and India’s Mars mission.

For certain, 2014 will be no less event-filled than its predecessor, 2013. And we can always hope for the very best: peace and prosperity, health and happiness for all humanity.

We at RG21 join in wishing you all the best for the coming New Year.