Israel VS Palestine: Will There Ever Be Peace?

TV images again show Israel’s tanks moving toward the West Bank and Israel’s bombs falling on Palestinian targets. The same TV programs show Hammas missiles headed into Israel. People are dying on both sides of the border. And? Cease fires take place and are broken and more people die. Hammas has missiles, just as the Taliban had Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). Both use(d) a low-tech weapon to combat an heavily armed and technological superior opponent. For the Palestinians the missile is their IED, and their equalizer. But weapons systems are not the real question here. The question is how can Israel and Palestine co-exist peacefully? The answer to that question may well not come until the end of this century or beyond when factors outside the problem change the context of the stalemate. What those factors will be is anybody’s guess. Peace in the Middle East? How about peace between Israel and Palestine? What do you think? Log in and give us your answer.


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