China-Japan Tourism Rebounds in 2014

China Tourists Japan.jpg                                 (Photo: China Daily)

For the first half of 2014, the numbers tell a simple story: Chinese tourists are back. Back in Japan that is. Despite political squabbling over the Diayou/Senkaku islands and Chinese and Japanese defense buildups and posturing, Japan is again a hot destination for Chinese travelers.

Tensions aside, the Wall Street Journal reports at a recent survey indicates that 29% of Chinese rank Japan as their #1 destination. A China Daily report mentions that the number of tourists visiting Japan might return to the pre -2012 territorial-dispute level. Reasons given are eased visa restrictions and favorable exchange rates.

Going the other way, visitors from Japan to China in 2014 show a consistent, double-digit drop except for February and May, when the Chinese New Year and Japanese Golden Week are celebrated.